Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I should probably mention that the images with the "Air Force Photo/Rachel Boettcher" above or below them belong to the Air Force. If you were of a mind to use them for anything, (aka STEAL them), I want to give you fair warning. I would hunt you down like the morally inept animal you are, and be forced to beat you to a bloody pulp. I would then drag your miserable maimed carcass to the Air Force, and let them take the legal action that will leave your family wallowing in abject poverty for all eternity.
You have been forewarned.
Enjoy the pictures!


momboe said...

Honey....play nice....

Rachel said...

I thought I was being nice. I warned them, didn't I?

Tracy Boettcher said...

What's with the lack of action on this blogsite? Has it been compromised by a copywright infringement issue or is the author just too busy to enlighten the world at large with her photographic genius?