Monday, January 11, 2010


I think that the main reason I dig shooting living creatures is that I like to convey a sense of personality with each shot. I'm not terribly keen on the "prom"-esque poses. You know, clasp hands unnaturally, shoulders in, heads tilted at an odd angle, cheesy, fake smiles...yeah, not quite me. I would much rather have people be who they are in a photo. I want people to look back on the picture in 50 years, and get a sense of who that person was. What kind of a family was it, what was the mood of the person on that day, what are the relationships like there? These questions should be answered by a good portrait. It always turns out that my favorite shots are ones in which the subject/subjects forget that there is a camera in the room and just be themselves. When I was running the studio here at the Academy, it was often a challenge to get some of the military folks to crack a smile during their shoots. Contrary to popular belief, it IS allowed to smile in an official military photo. It was always the most difficult to get the cops to smile during their photo sessions. They were the tough guys. They tried to convince me that they never smiled. Thankfully, I'm a big enough goofball to have proved them wrong, and I have a quick enough trigger finger to capture it. Ha! Now, just so you know, I always give them the choice of which image they want to keep- serious, moderately happy, or cheesy grinny. But I make them go through all of the expressions so they have something to pick from. And don't you know, most of them forgo the "ax murderer" serious shots and lean towards something a little happier. And THAT's why I am so strict about smiling for the photo. Because they actually do end up wanting it in the end.

For non-military shoots, I shoot at the standard times, but I like shooting when people aren't necessarily expecting it. A wife fixing her husbands collar, a family goofing around, a non-standard expression from a small child that completely captures their personality, these all give the photo personality. Personally, I don't know if I would want a generically plastic picture of my family versus them being their abnormal, quirky selves.

For example, the following image is when my folks and my little brother came to visit me in Colorado, and got to see my studio. This shot started with dad and Nick standing all proper and tall, then, at the last minute, they squenched down to sandwich mom's head. Now, technically, the three headed monster look isn't something that most photographers go for, but I absolutely love this.
Or what about this one? It cracks me up- it says to me, "busted." Good for a giggle.

And I definitely think this one shows personality.

Air Force Photo/Rachel Boettcher

And this one certainly reminds me of my siblings, I don't know about you...

Anyway, I had better go and gets some work done. I wish I had more amazing things to say, but alas, I don't. Perhaps I'll start incorporating some of my favorite quotes with my blogs.... Ok today's quote is, "We rarely think people have good sense, unless they agree with us." -Francois de La Rochefoucauld.

Until next time!

Friday, January 8, 2010

More to amuse your eyeballs

So, what's on the schedule for this weekend you ask? It just so happens that we have hockey and basketball. So that will by my inspiration for this post.

Hockey first. The key and challenge to shooting hockey is trying to find a spot on the Plexiglas that isn't marred by scratches, divots, or streaks. So, you pull up a chair, and stand on it. If you want to move to a different spot to shoot another angle, you better drag that chair with you, because there may not be one where you want to be. It's always fun when you're shooting right up on the Plexiglas and someone gets checked into your spot. Just don't be too surprised and topple backwards off your chair! Other than that, follow the puck!
The following game that I pulled from was the Avalanche burgundy and white game at Clune. Nice that pro sports teams stop by the Academy occasionally. Anyhow, here you go!
Air Force Photo/Rachel Boettcher

Air Force Photo/Rachel Boettcher

Air Force Photo/Rachel Boettcher
Air Force Photo/Rachel Boettcher

Air Force Photo/Rachel Boettcher
Air Force Photo/Rachel Boettcher

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Lights, Camera, Action!

Due to the fact that I'm feeling sluggish, and rather like death warmed over today, I figured I would do an action post to inspire myself. One of the really nice things about working at the Air Force Academy is getting to shoot the sports. It's pretty wicked cool. And I must admit that I am 100% spoiled rotten when it comes to sporting events now. Watch from the stands?!? Pfftt! I wanna be on the sidelines. I want to have to worry about someone sliding out of bounds and taking me out-more chance to get that great shot of the action headed right for me. For those of you who are aspiring sports photographers out there, remember- you will heal, your cameras and lenses won't. Get the shot then shield your gear! I think the only sport I don't really dig shooting from the sidelines is volleyball. I like to get up a bit higher in the stands to get the "over the net" shots. Like this one:

Air Force Photo/Rachel Boettcher

There's a little bit of motion on her right hand and the ball, but since I was shooting with lights, I could only sync up to 250 for the shutter speed, and that arm was movin FAST. I like the shot anyway though.

I suppose baseball is a sport I tend to move around a lot on as well. Depending on where I am focusing- which base, which position I need to shoot, and which lenses I have with me, I'll move to different spots. I'll go to the outside of the dugouts, the roof of the press box, depending on the umps and the game, sometimes I'll go inside the fence along the baselines, and sometimes I'll stay out and shoot through the chainlink. It all depends. You never know when you'll get those really fun shots. You just hope you are at the right angle to capture it. Here are a couple baseball shots to remind you all of warmer days:

Air Force Photo/Rachel Boettcher

Air Force Photo/Rachel Boettcher

Air Force Photo/Rachel BoettcherAir Force Photo/Rachel BoettcherAir Force Photo/Rachel Boettcher

Air Force Photo/Rachel Boettcher

Air Force Photo/Rachel Boettcher

Ok, that's about all the gumption I've got at the moment. I'll do more later. Have a superb day!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The beginning: crossing over to the dark side

Alas, I have indeed decided to cross over to the dark side and create my very own blog. While I do understand the positives to letting folks know what I'm up to, especially considering my once gypsy-like ways, I am not necessarily keen on the blog culture replacing person-to-person interactions. So those of you I bug on a consistent basis, this blog will NOT replace my annoying phone calls and such. Sorry, but thems the breaks!

I also have decided to utilize this blog as a tool for my photography business, as my real website seems doomed to be perpetually under construction. I'm working on that, but in the meantime, I will have something else to point people to.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with what it is I do, I am lucky enough to be a photographer at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO. I shoot everything from portraits, to big events, to the ever-popular military "grip & grin," to sports. Pretty much, you name it, I shoot it. My favorite things to shoot involve living things. Not so terribly keen on landscapes or product shots, but you give that subject a heartbeat, and I dig it.

In my attempt to fulfill my fresh New Year's Resolution, I am going to be posting at least one new shot every week. (If I don't maintain this effort, please feel free to send me a scathing comment to get off my hind end and get to it.) So without further ado, here are some shots that I particularly enjoyed. While I won't hound anyone for comments, if you do specifically appreciate a photo, please let me know. Likewise if you absolutely hate something. Photography is an art form people! I don't expect you to appreciate everything my eye sees. Sometimes I like things because they are different.

Case in point:

Air Force Photo/Rachel Boettcher

I know- lovely choice for the first picture ever on my first blog. But, maybe I now have your attention.

I'll put some pretties up a bit later, but for now, here are some of the nitty gritty that I shoot. I guess I'm in that kind of mood.

Air Force Photo/Rachel Boettcher

Air Force Photo/Rachel Boettcher

Air Force Photo/Rachel Boettcher

And a little sunshine for you day too...

Air Force Photo/Rachel Boettcher

I hope ya'll have enjoyed the first installment of Lifesketch Photography. And I hope you are all having a spectacular day.


Rachel Boettcher