Since I'm on the baby kick, I might as well post some of another adorable little guy. Conner Michael Dunn- son of my friends Shannon and Tim. I got to go visit Shannon while she was vacationing with family in Avon, Colorado, and I got to meet Conner. What a cutie pie! Seriously cute kid. But I'll let you see for yourselves!
This is a little late, but congratulations to my sister and a great big hello to my brand new nephew, Isaac. Happy, healthy, and quite the little sleeper, Isaac has made this family even better-which, let's face it, was pretty difficult to do in the first place. Anyway, welcome to the family little guy. You're in for a bumpy ride- but that just makes it more exciting!
I was thoroughly excited to get my brand new hammock. I got it last Thursday evening. I set it up right away. Unfortunately, by the time I was finished setting it up, it was pretty dark. So I decided to wait for sunlight and a lovely breeze to enjoy it. I'm still waiting. It has rained or thunderstormed EVERY afternoon since the hammock arrived. Seriously, I moved here because it was supposed to be sunnier than any other state. Apparently, that sun only shines while I'm at work. Then the sky gets sad that I have to come home, and cries all over me and my hammock. But I am desperately clinging to the hope that one day I will come home from work and the sun will still be illuminating the sky, and my hammock will have miraculously dried out from the constant downpours. The benefit of the rain and thunderstorms is that I can get shots like this. Yes, I was standing out in the rain during a lightning storm with my camera. But don't worry mom, they let us know if the lightning hits within 5 miles of the Academy! I was safe. Well, safe-ish. It's worth the risk.